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Please note: Unless otherwise advised, you are only permitted one draft assessment submission per unit. You cannot submit a draft for a unit you intend to RPL. Turnaround times for drafts are two business days for unit one and five business days for any other unit.
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Your Study Details Area of Study* PM Course* HR Course* Logistics & Procurement Courses* Practice Management & Leadership Management Course* Business, Administration & Operations Course* Safety, Quality & Compliance Course* Marketing & Business Development Course* Select the Cert IV in Marketing & Communication Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWRT411] Write complex documents [BSBCMM411] Make presentations [BSBCRT412] Articulate, present and debate ideas [BSBMKG433] Undertake marketing activities [BSBMKG435] Analyse consumer behaviour [BSBMKG439] Develop and apply knowledge of communications industry [BSBMKG437] Create and optimise digital media [BSBMKG438] Implement and monitor advertising production [BSBESB404] Market new business ventures [BSBMKG441] Develop public relations documents [BSBCRT413] Collaborate in creative processes [BSBMKG434] Promote products and services Other
Select the Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBESB401] Research and develop business plans [BSBESB402] Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures [BSBESB404] Market new business ventures [BSBESB403] Plan finances for new business ventures [BSBESB301] Investigate business opportunities [BSBESB302] Develop and present business proposals [BSBMKG434] Promote products and services [BSBMKG438] Implement and monitor advertising production [BSBMKG441] Develop public relations documents [BSBMKG442] Conduct e-marketing communications Other
Select the Double Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business & Marketing and Communication Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWRT411] Write complex documents [BSBCMM411] Make presentations [BSBMKG433] Undertake marketing activities [BSBMKG435] Analyse consumer behaviour [BSBCRT411] Apply critical thinking to work practices [BSBMKG439] Develop and apply knowledge of communications industry BSBCRT412 Articulate, present and debate ideas [BSBESB401] Research and develop business plans [BSBESB402] Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures [BSBESB403] Plan finances for new business ventures [BSBMKG431] Assess marketing opportunities [BSBMKG434] Promote products and services [BSBESB404] Market new business ventures [BSBESB406] Establish operational strategies and procedures for new business ventures [BSBESB407] Manage finances for new business ventures Other
Select the Diploma of Marketing & Communication + Pathway Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWRT411] Write complex documents [BSBCMM411] Make presentations [BSBCRT412] Articulate, present and debate ideas [BSBMKG433] Undertake marketing activities [BSBMKG435] Analyse consumer behaviour [BSBMKG439] Develop and apply knowledge of communications industry [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBPMG430] Undertake project work [BSBMKG541] Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities [BSBMKG542] Establish and monitor the marketing mix [BSBMKG552] Design and develop marketing communication plans [BSBMKG555] Write persuasive copy [BSBMKG545] Conduct marketing audits [SIRXMKT006] Develop a social media strategy [BSBCRT512] Originate and develop concepts [BSBMKG550] Promote products and services to international markets [BSBMKG553] Develop public relations campaigns [SIRXMKT007] Develop a digital marketing plan Other
Select the Diploma of Marketing & Communication Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBPMG430] Undertake project work [BSBMKG541] Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities [BSBMKG542] Establish and monitor the marketing mix [BSBMKG552] Design and develop marketing communication plans [BSBMKG555] Write persuasive copy [BSBMKG545] Conduct marketing audits [SIRXMKT006] Develop a social media strategy [BSBCRT512] Originate and develop concepts [BSBMKG550] Promote products and services to international markets [BSBMKG553] Develop public relations campaigns [SIRXMKT007] Develop a digital marketing plan Other
Select the Diploma of Social Media Marketing Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPMG430] Undertake project work [BSBMKG541] Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities [BSBMKG542] Establish and monitor the marketing mix [NAT10904001] Plan, implement and manage content marketing [NAT10904002] Plan, conduct and optimise organic social media marketing [NAT10904003] Plan, manage and optimise paid social media advertising [NAT10904004] Establish, build and leverage a personal brand on social media [NAT10904005] Plan, implement and manage social media conversion strategies [SIRXMKT006] Develop a social media strategy Other
Select the Double Diploma of Social Media Marketing & Marketing Communication Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPMG430] Undertake project work [BSBMKG541] Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities [BSBMKG555] Write persuasive copy [NAT10904001] Plan, implement and manage content marketing [NAT10904002] Plan, conduct and optimise organic social media marketing [NAT10904003] Plan, manage and optimise paid social media advertising [NAT10904004] Establish, build and leverage a personal brand on social media [NAT10904005] Plan, implement and manage social media conversion strategies [BSBMKG542] Establish and monitor the marketing mix [BSBMKG552] Design and develop marketing communication plans [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBCRT512] Originate and develop concepts [BSBMKG545] Conduct marketing audits [SIRXMKT006] Develop a social media strategy [SIRXMKT007] Develop a digital marketing plan Other
Select the Dual Cert IV in Marketing Communication & Diploma of Social Media Marketing Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBMKG433] Undertake marketing activities [BSBMKG541] Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities [BSBMKG435] Analyse consumer behaviour [BSBCRT413] Collaborate in creative processes [BSBPMG430] Undertake project work [BSBWRT411] Write complex documents [NAT10904001] Plan, implement and manage content marketing [NAT10904002] Plan, conduct and optimise organic social media marketing [NAT10904003] Plan, manage and optimise paid social media advertising [NAT10904004] Establish, build and leverage a personal brand on social media [NAT10904005] Plan, implement and manage social media conversion strategies [BSBCRT412] Articulate, present and debate ideas [BSBCMM411] Make presentations [BSBMKG542] Establish and monitor the marketing mix [BSBMKG439] Develop and apply knowledge of communications industry [BSBMKG437] Create and optimise digital media [BSBESB404] Market new business ventures [SIRXMKT006] Develop a social media strategy Other
Select the Dual Diploma of Social Media Marketing and Entrepreneurship & New Business Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBMKG541] Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities [BSBPMG430] Undertake project work [NAT10904001] Plan, implement and manage content marketing [NAT10904002] Plan, conduct and optimise organic social media marketing [NAT10904003] Plan, manage and optimise paid social media advertising [NAT10904004] Establish, build and leverage a personal brand on social media [NAT10904005] Plan, implement and manage social media conversion strategies [BSBMKG542] Establish and monitor the marketing mix [SIRXMKT006] Develop a social media strategy [BSBESB302] Develop and present business proposals [BSBESB301] Investigate business opportunities [BSBESB401] Research and develop business plans [BSBESB404] Market new business ventures [BSBESB402] Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures [BSBESB403] Plan finances for new business ventures Other
Select the Double Diploma of Marketing & Business Development Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability [BSBPMG430] Undertake project work [BSBTWK401] Build and maintain business relationships [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBMKG541] Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities [BSBMKG542] Establish and monitor the marketing mix [BSBMKG552] Design and develop marketing communication plans [BSBMKG555] Write persuasive copy [SIRXMKT006] Develop a social media strategy [BSBMKG550] Promote products and services to international markets [BSBMKG545] Conduct marketing audits Other
Select the Double Diploma of Business Development & Leadership Management Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPEF502] Develop and use emotional intelligence [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBTWK502] Manage team effectiveness [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBTWK401] Build and maintain business relationships [BSBOPS505] Manage organisational customer service [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBMKG541] Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities [BSBMKG546] Develop social media engagement plans [BSBPRC502] Manage supplier relationships Other
Select the Diploma of Business (Development) Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBOPS505] Manage organisational customer service [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBTWK503] Manage meetings [BSBTWK401] Build and maintain business relationships [BSBPMG430] Undertake project work [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability [BSBPRC502] Manage supplier relationships [BSBMKG541] Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities [BSBMKG546] Develop social media engagement plans [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources Other
Select the Diploma of Business (Org Development) Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPEF502] Develop and use emotional intelligence [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBLDR601] Lead and manage organisational change [BSBSTR503] Develop organisational policy [BSBPMG430] Undertake project work [BSBSTR502] Facilitate continuous improvement [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBSTR501] Establish innovative work environments [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability Other
Select the Double Diploma of Business (Org Development) and Leadership Mgt Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability [BSBLDR601] Lead and manage organisational change [BSBSTR502] Facilitate continuous improvement [BSBPEF502] Develop and use emotional intelligence [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBTWK502] Manage team effectiveness [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBSTR501] Establish innovative work environments [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBSTR503] Develop organisational policy [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans Other
Select the HR Diploma Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWOR501] Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development [BSBHRM501] Manage Human Resources Services [BSBHRM512] Develop and Manage Performance-Management Processes [BSBHRM506] Manage Recruitment, Selection and Induction Processes [BSBHRM513] Manage Workforce Planning [BSBWRK520] Manage Employee Relations [BSBHRM510] (elective) Manage Mediation Processes [BSBWHS401] Implement and Monitor WHS Policies, Procedures and Programs [BSBHRM505] (elective) Manage Remuneration and Employee Benefits [BSBINN601] (elective) Lead and Manage Organisational Change [BSBPMG522] (elective) Undertake Project Work [BSBHRM507] (elective) Manage Separation and Termination [BSBDIV501] (elective) Manage Diversity in the Workplace Other
Select the HR Diploma Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPEF501] Manage Personal and Professional Development [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBHRM523] Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBHRM527] Coordinate human resource functions and processes [BSBHRM525] Manage recruitment and onboarding [BSBHRM521] Facilitate performance development processes [BSBHRM524] Coordinate workforce plan implementation [BSBHRM522] Manage employee and industrial relations [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [BSBWHS411] Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs [BSBHRM529] Coordinate separation and termination processes Other
Select the Dual Diploma of HR & Advanced Diploma of HR you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBHRM527] Coordinate human resource functions and processes [BSBHRM521] Facilitate performance development processes [BSBHRM524] Coordinate workforce plan implementation [BSBHRM522] Manage employee and industrial relations [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [BSBWHS411] Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs [BSBHRM523] Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals [BSBHRM525] Manage recruitment and onboarding [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area [BSBPEF501] Manage Personal and Professional Development [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBLDR601] Lead and manage organisational change [BSBFIN601] Manage organisational finances [BSBHRM612] Contribute to the development of employee and industrial relations strategies [BSBHRM614] Contribute to strategic workforce planning [BSBHRM611] Contribute to organisational performance development [BSBCRT611] Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving [BSBLDR602] Provide leadership across the organisation Other
Select the Advanced Diploma of Human Resources you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBLDR601] Lead and manage organisational change [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area [BSBFIN601] Manage organisational finances [BSBHRM611] Contribute to organisational performance development [BSBHRM612] Contribute to the development of employee and industrial relations strategies [BSBHRM614] Contribute to strategic workforce planning [BSBCRT611] Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving [BSBLDR602] Provide leadership across the organisation [BSBOPS601] Develop and implement business plans Other
Select the Diploma of HR - Pathway Package Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBHRM417] Support human resource functions and processes [BSBHRM411] Administer performance development processes [BSBHRM415] Coordinate recruitment and onboarding [BSBHRM412] Support employee and industrial relations [BSBPEF501] Manage Personal and Professional Development [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBHRM523] Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBHRM527] Coordinate human resource functions and processes [BSBHRM525] Manage recruitment and onboarding [BSBHRM521] Facilitate performance development processes [BSBHRM524] Coordinate workforce plan implementation [BSBHRM522] Manage employee and industrial relations [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [BSBWHS411] Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs [BSBHRM529] Coordinate separation and termination processes Other
Select the HR Cert IV Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWOR501] Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development [BSBHRM404] Review Human Resource Functions [BSBRES401] Research, Analysis and Business Writing [BSBWRT401] Write Complex Documents [BSBLDR403] Lead Team Effectiveness [BSBLDR402] Lead effective workplace relationships [BSBHRM405] Support the Recruitment, Selection and Induction of Staff [BSBHRM403] Support Performance-Management Processes [BSBWHS401] Implement and Monitor WHS Policies, Procedures and Programs [BSBWRK411] Support Employee Engagement and Industrial Relations Procedures Other
Select the HR Cert IV Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBHRM417] Support human resource functions and processes [BSBPEF501] Manage personal and professional development [BSBHRM411] Administer performance development processes [BSBHRM413] Support the learning and development of teams and individuals [BSBCMM412] Lead difficult conversations [BSBLDR414] Lead team effectiveness [BSBPMG430] Undertake project work [BSBWRT411] Write complex documents [BSBHRM416] Process payroll [BSBHRM415] Coordinate recruitment and onboarding [BSBHRM412] Support employee and industrial relations [BSBWHS411] Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs Other
Select the Dual HR Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBRES401] Analyse and Present Research Information [BSBWRT401] Write Complex Documents [BSBLDR402] Lead Effective Workplace Relationships [BSBHRM404] Review Human Resource Functions [BSBHRM501] Manage Human Resources Services BSBHRM403] Support Performance-Management Processes [BSBHRM512] Develop and Manage Performance-Management Processes [BSBHRM405] Support the Recruitment, Selection and Induction of Staff [BSBHRM506] Manage Recruitment Selection and Induction Processes [BSBHRM513] Manage Workforce Planning [BSBWHS401] Implement and Monitor WHS Policies, Procedures and Programs [BSBWRK411] Support Employee and Industrial Relations Procedures [BSBWRK520] Manage Employee Relations [BSBINN601] Lead and Manage Organisational Change [BSBHRM507] Manage Separation or Termination Other
Select the PM Diploma Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWOR501] Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development [BSBPMG511] Manage Project Scope [BSBPMG512] Manage Project Time [BSBPMG514] Manage Project Costs [BSBPMG513] Manage Project Quality [BSBPMG515] Manage Project Human Resources [BSBPMG519] Manage Project Stakeholder Engagement [BSBWOR502] Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness [BSBPMG516] Manage Project Information and Communication [BSBPMG517] Manage Project Risk [BSBPMG518] Manage Project Procurement [BSBPMG521] Manage Project Integration Other
Select the PM Diploma Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPMG530] Manage Project Scope [BSBPMG531] Manage Project Time [BSBPMG533] Manage Project Costs [BSBPMG532] Manage Project Quality [BSBPMG534] Manage Project Human Resources [BSBPMG538] Manage Project Stakeholder Engagement [BSBPMG535] Manage Project Information and Communication [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBPMG536] Manage Project Risk [BSBPMG537] Manage Project Procurement [BSBPMG540] Manage Project Integration [BSBSTR502] Facilitate continuous improvement Other
Select the PM (Construction) Diploma Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPMG530] Manage Project Scope [BSBPMG531] Manage Project Time [BSBPMG532] Manage Project Quality [BSBPMG533] Manage Project Costs [BSBPMG534] Manage Project Human Resources [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area [BSBPMG535] Manage Project Information and Communication [BSBPMG536] Manage Project Risk [BSBPMG537] Manage Project Procurement [BSBPMG540] Manage Project Integration [CPCCBC4003] Select, prepare and administer construction contract [CPCCBC5010] Manage construction work Other
Select the Building & Construction Diploma Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWHS513] Lead WHS risk management [BSBPMG536] Manage Project Risk [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBPMG532] Manage Project Quality [BSBPMG535] Manage Project Information and Communication [BSBPMG537] Manage Project Procurement [CPCCBC4001] Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 1 and 10 Buildings [CPCCBC4053] Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 2 to 9, Type C Buildings [CPCCBC4003] Select, prepare and administer construction contract [CPCCBC5005] Select and manage building and construction contractors [CPCCBC5007] Administer the legal obligations of a building or construction contractor [CPCCBC5002] Monitor costing systems on complex building and construction projects [CPCCBC5019] Manage building and construction business finances [CPCCBC5010] Manage construction work [CPCCBC4004] Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction projects Other
Select the PM & Mgt Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBTWK502] Manage team effectiveness [BSBPMG530] Manage Project Scope [BSBPMG531] Manage Project Time [BSBPMG532] Manage Project Quality [BSBPMG533] Manage Project Cost [BSBPEF502] Develop and use emotional intelligence [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBPMG534] Manage Project Human Resources [BSBLDR522] Manage people performance [BSBPMG535] Manage Project Information and Communication [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBSTR501] Establish innovative work environments [BSBPMG536] Manage Project Risk [BSBPMG540] Manage Project Integration [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBSTR502] Facilitate continuous improvement Other
Select the PM & Mgt Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWOR501] Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development [BSBPMG511] Manage Project Scope [BSBPMG512] Manage Project Time [BSBPMG514] Manage Project Costs [BSBFIM501] Manage Budgets and Financial Plans [BSBPMG513] Manage Project Quality [BSBPMG515] Manage Project Human Resources [BSBPMG519] Manage Project Stakeholder Engagement [BSBWOR502] Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness [BSBLDR502] Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships [BSBLDR511] Develop and use Emotional Intelligence [BSBHRM405] Support the Recruitment, Selection and Induction of Staff [BSBPMG516] Manage Project Information and Communication [BSBPMG517] Manage Project Risk [BSBWHS521] Ensure a Safe Workplace for a Work Area [BSBPMG518] Manage Project Procurement [BSBPMG521] Manage Project Integration [BSBMGT517] Manage Operational Plan Other
Select the PM & Quality Auditing Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPMG511] Manage Project Scope [BSBPMG512] Manage Project Time [BSBPMG514] Manage Project Costs [BSBPMG513] Manage Project Quality [BSBPMG515] Manage Project Human Resources [BSBPMG516] Manage Project Information and Communication [BSBPMG517] Manage Project Risk [BSBRSK501] Manage Risk [BSBPMG518] Manage Project Procurement [BSBPMG521] Manage Project Integration [BSBMGT516] Facilitate Continuous Improvement [BSBAUD402] Participate in a Quality Audit [BSBAUD501] Initiate a Quality Audit [BSBAUD503] Lead a Quality Audit [BSBAUD504] Report on a Quality Audit Other
Select the Diploma of Quality Auditing Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPMG521] Undertake Project Work [BSBWOR502] Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness [BSBPMG513] Manage Project Quality [BSBRSK501] Manage Risk [BSBSUS501] Develop Workplace Policy and Procedures for Sustainability [BSBMGT516] Facilitate Continuous Improvement [BSBAUD402] Participate in a Quality Audit [BSBAUD501] Initiate a Quality Audit [BSBAUD503] Lead a Quality Audit [BSBAUD504] Report on a Quality Audit Other
Select the Diploma of Quality Auditing Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBTWK503] Manage meetings [BSBAUD412] Work within compliance frameworks [BSBAUD514] Interpret compliance requirements [BSBAUD411] Participate in Quality Audits [BSBAUD511] Initiate a Quality Audit [BSBAUD513] Report on a Quality Audit [BSBAUD512] Lead a Quality Audits [BSBINS512] Monitor business records systems [BSBPMG532] Manage Project Quality [BSBOPS504] Manage Business Risk [BSBSTR502] Facilitate Continuous Improvement Other
Select the Double Diploma of Business (Compliance) and QA Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBAUD412] Work within compliance frameworks [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBAUD514] Interpret compliance requirements [BSBAUD411] Participate in Quality Audits [BSBAUD511] Initiate a Quality Audit [BSBAUD513] Report on a Quality Audit [BSBAUD512] Lead a Quality Audits [BSBTWK503] Manage meetings [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability [BSBOPS504] Manage Business Risk [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area Other
Select the PM Cert IV Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting Introduction to Certificate IV in Project Management Practice [BSBPMG409] Apply Project Scope Management Techniques [BSBPMG410] Apply Project Time Management Techniques [BSBPMG411] Apply Project Quality Management Techniques [BSBPMG412] Apply Project Cost Management Techniques [BSBPMG413] Apply Project Human Resource Management Approaches [BSBCUE405] Survey Stakeholders to Gather and Record Information [BSBPMG414] Apply Project Information Management and Communications Techniques [BSBPMG415] Apply Project Risk Management Techniques [BSBPMG416] Apply Project Procurement Procedures Other
Select the PM Cert IV Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPMG420] Apply Project Scope Management Techniques [BSBPMG421] Apply Project Time Management Techniques [BSBPMG422] Apply Project Quality Management Techniques [BSBPMG423] Apply Project Cost Management Techniques [BSBPMG424] Apply Project Human Resource Management Approaches [BSBPMG426] Apply Project Risk Management Techniques [BSBPMG427] Apply Project Procurement Procedures [BSBPMG429] Apply project stakeholder engagement techniques [BSBPMG425] Apply Project Information Management and Communications Techniques Other
Select the CPC Cert IV Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPMG430] Undertake project work [BSBPMG422] Apply Project Quality Management Techniques [BSBPMG426] Apply Project Risk Management Techniques [CPCCBC4001] Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 1 and 10 Buildings [CPCCBC4053] Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 2 to 9, Type C Buildings [CPCCBC4004] Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction projects [CPCCBC4005] Produce labour and material schedules for ordering [CPCCBC4008] Supervise site communication and administration processes for building and construction projects [CPCCBC4003] Select, prepare and administer a construction contract [CPCCBC4009] Apply legal requirements to building and construction projects [CPCCBC4010] Apply structural principles to residential and commercial constructions [CPCCBC4012] Read and interpret plans and specifications [CPCCBC4014] Prepare simple building sketches and drawings [CPCCBC4018] Apply site surveys and set-out procedures to building and construction projects [CPCCBC4021] Minimise waste on the building and construction site [CPCCBC4006] Select, procure and store construction materials for building and construction projects [CPCSUS4002] Use building science principles to construct energy efficient buildings [CPCCBC4002] Manage work health and safety in the building and construction workplace [CPCCBC4007] Plan building or construction work Other
Select the CPC Cert IV Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPMG430] Undertake project work [BSBPMG422] Apply Project Quality Management Techniques [BSBPMG426] Apply Project Risk Management Techniques [CPCCBC4001] Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 1 and 10 Buildings [CPCCBC4053] Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 2 to 9, Type C Buildings [CPCCBC4008] Supervise site communication and administration processes for building and construction projects [CPCCBC4003] Select, prepare and administer a construction contract [CPCCBC4009] Apply legal requirements to building and construction projects [CPCCBC4010] Apply structural principles to residential and commercial constructions [CPCCBC4012] Read and interpret plans and specifications [CPCCBC4014] Prepare simple building sketches and drawings [CPCCBC4018] Apply site surveys and set-out procedures to building and construction projects [CPCCBC4021] Minimise waste on the building and construction site [CPCCBC4013] Prepare and evaluate tender documentation [CPCCBC4017] Arrange resources and prepare for the building and construction project [CPCCBC4052] Lead and manage teams in the building and construction industry [CPCCCO4001] Supervise concreting work [CPCCBC4002] Manage work health and safety in the building and construction workplace [CPCCBC4007] Plan building or construction work Other
Select the CPC Cert IV Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPMG430] Undertake project work [BSBPMG426] Apply Project Risk Management Techniques [BSBPMG422] Apply Project Quality Management Techniques [CPCCBC4001] Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 1 and 10 Buildings [CPCCBC4053] Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 2 to 9, Type C Buildings [CPCCBC4003] Select, prepare and administer a construction contract [CPCCBC4008] Supervise site communication and administration processes for building and construction projects [CPCCBC4012] Read and interpret plans and specifications [CPCCBC4014] Prepare simple building sketches and drawings [CPCCBC4004] Identify and produce estimated costs for building and construction projects [CPCCBC4005] Produce labour and material schedules for ordering [CPCCBC4010] Apply structural principles to residential and commercial constructions [CPCCBC4013] Prepare and evaluate tender documentation [CPCCBC4026] Arrange building applications and approvals [CPCCBC4009] Apply legal requirements to building and construction projects Other
Select the CPC Cert IV Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPMG430] Undertake project work [BSBLDR414] Lead team effectiveness [BSBPMG426] Apply Project Risk Management Techniques [BSBPMG422] Apply Project Quality Management Techniques [CPCCBC4001] Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 1 and 10 Buildings [CPCCBC4053] Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for Class 2 to 9, Type C Buildings [CPCCBC4008] Supervise site communication and administration processes for building and construction projects [CPCCBC4003] Select, prepare and administer a construction contract [CPCCBC4012] Read and interpret plans and specifications [CPCCBC4014] Prepare simple building sketches and drawings [CPCCBC4006] Select, procure and store construction materials for building and construction projects [CPCCBC4026] Arrange building applications and approvals [CPCCBC4031] Process client requirements [CPCCBC4009] Apply legal requirements to building and construction projects [CPCCBC4007] Plan building or construction work Other
Select the Dbl Logistics & Business (Procurement) Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPRC504] Manage a Supply Chain [TLIX4028] Apply Knowledge of Logistics [TLII5018] Manage Quality Customer Service in Purchasing and Logistics [BSBPRC502] Manage Supplier Relationships [PSPPCM010] Manage Procurement Risk [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area [TLIP5004] Transport and Logistics Business Plan [TLIL5020] Develop and maintain operational procedures for transport and logistics enterprises [TLIR5006] Develop, implement and review purchasing strategies [TLIF0014] Monitor the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility) [TLIA5058] Manage Facility and Inventory Requirements [PSPPCM008] Manage contract performance [PSPPCM009] Finalise contracts [TLIR5005] Manage a contract [TLIX5040] Manage contracted support services [BSBPRC505] Manage Ethical Procurement Strategy [BSBPMG518] Manage Project Procurement [BSBCRT502] Develop Critical Thinking Skills in Others [BSBPRC501] Manage procurement strategies Other
Select the Diploma of Business (Procurement) Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPRC504] Manage a Supply Chain [BSBPRC501] Manage procurement strategies [BSBPRC502] Manage Supplier Relationships [BSBCRT502] Develop Critical Thinking Skills in Others [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area [PSPPCM010] Manage Procurement Risk [BSBPMG518] Manage Project Procurement [BSBPRC505] Manage Ethical Procurement Strategy [PSPPCM008] Manage contract performance [PSPPCM009] Finalise contracts [BSBMGT516] Facilitate continuous improvement Other
Select the Diploma of Business (Compliance) Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [BSBAUD514] Interpret compliance requirements [BSBAUD411] Participate in quality audits [BSBAUD513] Report on quality audits [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBINS512] Monitor business records systems [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area Other
Select the Dual Diploma & Advanced Diploma of Business Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area [BSBLDR601] Lead and manage organisational change [BSBFIN601] Manage organisational finances [BSBCRT611] Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving [BSBOPS601] Develop and implement business plans [BSBTEC601] Review organisational digital strategy [BSBSUS601] Lead corporate social responsibility [BSBSTR602] Develop organisational strategies Other
Select the Dual Diploma & Advanced Diploma of Leadership Management Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBPEF501] Manage personal and professional development [BSBPEF502] Develop and use emotional intelligence [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBTWK502] Manage team effectiveness [BSBCMM412] Lead difficult conversations [BSBLDR522] Manage people performance [BSBLDR601] Lead and manage organisational change [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBCRT611] Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving [BSBLDR602] Provide leadership across the organisation [BSBOPS601] Develop and implement business plans [BSBSTR601] Manage innovation and continuous improvement [BSBPMG633] Provide leadership for the program Other
Select the Advanced Diploma of Leadership Management Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBPEF501] Manage personal and professional development [BSBLDR601] Lead and manage organisational change [BSBCRT611] Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving [BSBLDR602] Provide leadership across the organisation [BSBOPS601] Develop and implement business plans [BSBSTR601] Manage innovation and continuous improvement [BSBPMG633] Provide leadership for the program [BSBPMG637] Engage in collaborative alliances Other
Select the Advanced Diploma of Business Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area [BSBLDR601] Lead and manage organisational change [BSBHRM614] Contribute to strategic workforce planning [BSBFIN601] Manage organisational finances [BSBCRT611] Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving [BSBOPS601] Develop and implement business plans [BSBTEC601] Review organisational digital strategy [BSBSUS601] Lead corporate social responsibility [BSBSTR602] Develop organisational strategies Other
Select the Diploma of Logistics Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPRC504] Manage a Supply Chain [TLIX4028] Apply Knowledge of Logistics [BSBWOR502] Lead and manage team effectiveness [BSBLDR502] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [TLIR5014] Manage suppliers [TLII5018] Manage Quality Customer Service [BSBMGT516] Facilitate continuous improvement [BSBRSK501] Manage risk [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area [TLIL5020] Develop and maintain operational procedures for transport and logistics enterprises [TLIF0014] Monitor the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility) [TLIP5004] Develop a transport and Logistics Business Plan [BSBMGT517] Manage operational plan [TLIA5058] Manage Facility and Inventory Requirements [BSBFIM501] Manage budgets and financial plans Other
Select the Double Diploma of Logistics & Leadership Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPRC504] Manage a Supply Chain [BSBINN502] Build and Sustain an Innovative Work Environment [TLII5018] Manage Customer Service in Logistics [TLIR5014] Manage suppliers [BSBWOR502] Lead and manage team effectiveness [BSBLDR502] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBLDR511] Develop and use Emotional Intelligence [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area [BSBRSK501] Manage risk [TLIX4028] Apply Knowledge of Logistics [TLIF0014] Monitor the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility) [TLIL5020] Develop and maintain operational procedures for transport and logistics enterprises [BSBHRM405] Support the Recruitment, Selection and Induction of Staff [TLIA5058] Manage Facility and Inventory Requirements [BSBMGT517] Manage operational plan [BSBFIM501] Manage budgets and financial plans [TLIP5004] Develop a transport and Logistics Business Plan [BSBMGT516] Facilitate continuous improvement Other
Select the Double Diploma of Logistics & Leadership Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPRC504] Manage a Supply Chain [BSBLDR522] Manage people performance [TLII5018] Manage Customer Service in Logistics [TLIR5014] Manage suppliers [BSBTWK502] Manage team effectiveness [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBPEF502] Develop and use emotional intelligence [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [TLIX4028] Apply Knowledge of Logistics [TLIL5020] Develop and maintain operational procedures for transport and logistics enterprises [TLIF0014] Monitor the safety of transport activities (Chain of Responsibility) [TLIA5058] Manage Facility and Inventory Requirements [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [TLIP5004] Develop a transport and Logistics Business Plan [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others Other
Select the Dual Cert IV HR & Diploma of Bus Admin Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWOR501] Manage Personal Work Priorities [BSBADM506] Manage Business Document Design and Development [BSBHRM404] Review Human Resource Functions [BSBLDR403] Lead team effectiveness [BSBWOR502] Lead and manage team effectiveness [BSBADM504] Plan and Implement Administrative Systems [BSBHRM403] Support Performance-Management Processes [BSBADM402] Manage Meetings [BSBHRM405] Support the Recruitment, Selection and Induction of Staff [BSBFIM502] Manage Payroll [BSBADM503] Plan and Manage Conferences [BSBWHS401] Implement and Monitor WHS Policies, Procedures and Programs [BSBWRK401] Support Employee Engagement and IR Other
Select the Dbl Diploma of Practice Management and Bus Admin Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBMGT502] Manage People Performance [BSBADM506] Manage Business Document Design and Development [BSBCUS501] Manage Quality Customer Service [BSBADM504] Plan and Implement Administrative Systems [BSBADM502] Manage Meetings [BSBFIM502] Manage Payroll [BSBFIM501] Manage Budgets and Financial Plans [BSBPMG522] Undertake Project Work [BSBRSK501] Manage Risk [HLTWHS004] Manage Work Health and Safety [BSBMED301] Interpret and Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately [CHCDIV001] Work with Diverse People [CHCLEG003] Manage Legal and Ethical Compliance [HLTADM004] Manage Health Billing and Accounting System [HLTINF003] Implement and Monitor Infection Prevention Control Policies and Procedures [HLTINF007] Implement and Monitor Infection Prevention Control Policies and Procedures Other
Select the Diploma of Practice Management Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWOR502] Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness [BSBMGT502] Manage People Performance [BSBCUS501] Manage Quality Customer Service [BSBMGT517] Manage Operational Plan [BSBWRK510] Manage Employee Relations [BSBFIM501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBRSK501] Manage Risk [BSBSUS501] Develop Workplace Policy and Procedures for Sustainability [HLTWHS004] Manage Work Health and Safety [BSBMED301] Interpret and Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately [BSBINM501] Manage an Information or Knowledge Management System [CHCDIV001] Work with Diverse People [CHCLEG003] Manage Legal and Ethical Compliance [HLTADM004] Manage Health Billing and Accounting System [HLTINF003] Implement and Monitor Infection Prevention Control Policies and Procedures [HLTINF007] Implement and Monitor Infection Prevention Control Policies and Procedures Other
Select the Double Diploma of Practice Management and Leadership Management Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPEF502] Develop and use emotional intelligence [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBTWK502] Manage team effectiveness [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBOPS505] Manage organisational customer service [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBLDR522] Manage People Performance [CHCDIV001] Work with Diverse People [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [HLTWHS004] Manage Work Health and Safety [BSBMED301] Interpret and Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately [CHCLEG003] Manage Legal and Ethical Compliance [HLTADM004] Manage Health Billing and Accounting System [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [HLTINF003] Implement and Monitor Infection Prevention Control Policies and Procedures [HLTINF007] Implement and Monitor Infection Prevention Control Policies and Procedures Other
Select the Double Diploma of Practice Management and Business Records Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBOPS505] Manage organisational customer service [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBTWK503] Manage meetings [BSBLDR522] Manage People Performance [CHCDIV001] Work with Diverse People [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [HLTWHS004] Manage Work Health and Safety [BSBMED301] Interpret and Apply Medical Terminology Appropriately [CHCLEG003] Manage Legal and Ethical Compliance [BSBINS513] Contribute to records management framework [BSBINS501] Implement information and knowledge management systems [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [HLTADM004] Manage health billing and accounting system [BSBINS512] Monitor business records systems [BSBINS601] Manage knowledge and information [HLTINF003] Implement and Monitor Infection Prevention Control Policies and Procedures [HLTINF007] Implement and Monitor Infection Prevention Control Policies and Procedures [BSBSTR503] Develop organisational policy [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability Other
Select the Dbl Diploma of Bus Admin & Human Resources Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWOR501] Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development [BSBADM506] Manage Business Document Design and Development [BSBFIM502] Manage Payroll [BSBHRM501] Manage Human Resources Services [BSBHRM506] Manage Recruitment, Selection and Induction Processes [BSBADM502] Manage Meetings [BSBADM503] Plan and Manage Conferences [BSBADM504] Plan and Implement Administrative Systems [BSBHRM512] Develop and Manage Performance-Management Processes [BSBWRK520] Manage Employee Relations [BSBHRM513] Manage Workforce Planning [BSBWHS521] Ensure a Safe Workplace for a Work Area [BSBWHS401] Implement and Monitor WHS Policies, Procedures and Programs Other
Select the Dbl HR & Bus Ops Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPEF501] Manage Personal and Professional Development [BSBHRM523] Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBOPS503] Develop administrative systems [BSBHRM527] Coordinate human resource functions and processes [BSBHRM525] Manage recruitment and onboarding [BSBHRM521] Facilitate performance development processes [BSBHRM524] Coordinate workforce plan implementation [BSBHRM522] Manage employee and industrial relations [BSBHRM529] Coordinate separation and termination processes [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [BSBWHS411] Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area Other
Select the Diploma of Bus Admin Unit are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWOR501] Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development [BSBADM506] Manage Business Document Design and Development [BSBCUS501] Manage Quality Customer Service [BSBADM502] Manage Meetings [BSBFIM502] Manage Payroll [BSBLDR502] Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness [BSBADM503] Plan and Manage Conferences [BSBADM504] Plan and Implement Administration Systems Other
Select the Diploma of Business (Operations) you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBPEF501] Manage personal and professional development [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBTWK503] Manage meetings [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBOPS503] Develop administrative systems [BSBHRM525] Manage recruitment and onboarding [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability [BSBHRM526] Manage payroll Other
Select the Diploma of Business (Records and Information) you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBOPS503] Develop administrative systems [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability [BSBSTR503] Develop organisational policy [BSBINS501] Implement information and knowledge management systems [BSBINS512] Monitor business records systems [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBINS513] Contribute to records management framework [BSBINS601] Manage knowledge and information [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans Other
Select the Diploma of Business (Records and Information) (Specialising in Health Admin) you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBINS501] Implement information and knowledge management systems [BSBINS512] Monitor business records systems [BSBINS513] Contribute to records management framework [BSBINS601] Manage knowledge and information [BSBMED301] Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBOPS503] Develop administrative systems [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [HLTADM004] Manage health billing and accounting system Other
Select the Diploma of Business (Leadership) you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPEF501] Manage personal and professional development [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBTWK502] Manage team effectiveness [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBHRM521] Facilitate performance development processes [BSBLDR522] Manage people performance [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans Other
Select the Diploma of Business (Procurement) you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBPRC502] Manage supplier relationships [BSBPRC504] Manage a supply chain [BSBSTR502] Facilitate continuous improvement [BSBPRC505] Manage ethical procurement strategy [BSBINS512] Monitor business records systems [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [PSPPCM008] Manage contract performance [PSPPCM009] Finalise contracts Other
Select the Double Diploma of Business (Procurement) and Leadership Mgt you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability [BSBPEF502] Develop and use emotional intelligence [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBTWK502] Manage team effectiveness [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [BSBPRC505] Manage ethical procurement strategy [PSPPCM008] Manage contract performance [PSPPCM009] Finalise contracts [PSPPCM010] Manage procurement risk Other
Select the Double Diploma of Business (Operations) and Leadership Mgt you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBHRM526] Manage payroll [BSBPEF502] Develop and use emotional intelligence [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBTWK502] Manage team effectiveness [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBHRM525] Manage recruitment and onboarding [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability Other
Select the Double Diploma of Business (Leadership) and Leadership Mgt you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBPEF502] Develop and use emotional intelligence [BSBPEF501] Manage personal and professional development [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBTWK502] Manage team effectiveness [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBLDR522] Manage people performance [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk Other
Select the Double Diploma of Business and Leadership Mgt you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBPEF502] Develop and use emotional intelligence [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBTWK502] Manage team effectiveness [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBPMG430] Undertake project work [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBMKG541] Identify and evaluate marketing opportunities [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability Other
Select the Diploma of WHS Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBWHS417] Assist with managing WHS implications of return to work [BSBLDR601] Lead and manage organisational change [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area [BSBWHS513] Lead WHS risk management [BSBWHS515] Lead initial response to and investigate WHS incidents [BSBWHS516] Contribute to developing, implementing and maintaining [BSBWHS519] Lead the development and use of WHS risk management tools [BSBWHS522] Manage WHS consultation and participation processes [BSBWHS520] Manage implementation of emergency procedures [BSBWHS514] Manage WHS compliance of contractors [BSBWHS517] Contribute to managing a WHS information system Other
Select the Diploma of WHS - Pathway Package Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWHS412] Assist with workplace compliance with WHS laws [BSBWHS413] Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation [BSBWHS414] Contribute to WHS risk management [BSBWHS415] Contribute to implementing WHS management systems [BSBWHS416] Contribute to workplace incident response [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBWHS417] Assist with managing WHS implications of return to work [BSBLDR601] Lead and manage organisational change [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area [BSBWHS513] Lead WHS risk management [BSBWHS515] Lead initial response to and investigate WHS incidents [BSBWHS516] Contribute to developing, implementing and maintaining [BSBWHS519] Lead the development and use of WHS risk management tools [BSBWHS522] Manage WHS consultation and participation processes [BSBWHS520] Manage implementation of emergency procedures [BSBWHS514] Manage WHS compliance of contractors [BSBWHS517] Contribute to managing a WHS information system Other
Select the Cert IV of WHS Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPMG409] Apply project scope management techniques [BSBWHS514] Manage WHS compliance of contractors [BSBINS401] Analyse and present research information [BSBPMG429] Apply project stakeholder engagement techniques [BSBWHS411] Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs [BSBWHS412] Assist with workplace compliance with WHS laws [BSBWHS413] Contribute to implementation and maintenance of WHS consultation [BSBWHS414] Contribute to WHS risk management [BSBWHS415] Contribute to implementing WHS management systems [BSBWRT411] Write complex documents [BSBWHS416] Contribute to workplace incident response [BSBWHS419] Contribute to implementing WHS monitoring processes Other
Select the Diploma of Business Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWOR501] Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development [BSBADM506] Manage Business Document Design and Development [BSBFIM502] Manage Payroll [BSBHRM506] Manage Recruitment, Selection and Induction Processes [BSBADM502] Manage Meetings [BSBPMG522] Undertake Project Work [BSBRSK501] Manage Risk [BSBHRM507] Manage Separation and Termination Other
Select the Double Diploma of Business and Business Administration Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWOR501] Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development [BSBADM506] Manage Business Document Design and Development [BSBADM504] Plan and Implement Administration Systems [BSBADM502] Manage Meetings [BSBCUS501] Manage Quality Customer Service [BSBADM503] Plan and Manage Conferences [BSBFIM502] Manage Payroll [BSBHRM506] Manage Recruitment, Selection and Induction Processes [BSBFIM501] Manage Budgets and Financial Plans [BSBHRM510] Manage Mediation Processes Other
Select the PM & Build Construction Mgmnt Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWOR501] Introduction to the Dual Diploma of PM and Building and Construction (Management) [BSBPMG511] Manage Project Scope [BSBPMG512] Manage Project Time [BSBPMG514] Manage Project Costs [BSBFIM501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBPMG513] Manage Project Quality [BSBPMG515] Manage Project HR [BSBWOR502] Lead and manage team effectiveness [BSBHRM405] Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff [BSBPMG516] Manage Project Information & Communication [BSBPMG517] Manage Project Risk [BSBOHS504B] Apply principles of OHS risk management [BSBPMG518] Manage Project Procurement [BSBPMG521] Manage project integration [BSBMGT517] Manage Operational Plan Other
Select the Diploma of Building & Construction Mgmnt Unit you are studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWOR501] Manage Personal Work Priorities [BSBWOR502B] Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness [BSBMGT515A] Manage Operational Plan [BSBCUS501] Manage Quality Customer Service [BSBHRM402A] Recruit, Select and Induct Staff [BSBMGT502] Manage People Performance [BSBPMG505A] Manage Project Quality [BSBPMG507A] Manage Project Communication [BSBPMG508A] Manage Project Risk [BSBOHS504B] Apply principles of OHS risk management [BSBFIM501A] Manage Budgets and Financial Plans [BSBPMG504A] Manage project costs Other
Select the Dbl HR & Mgt Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWOR501] Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development [BSBWOR502] Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness [BSBLDR502] Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships [BSBLDR511] Develop and use Emotional Intelligence [BSBHRM501] Manage Human Resources Services [BSBHRM506] Manage Recruitment, Selection and Induction Processes [BSBMGT502] Manage People Performance [BSBHRM512] Develop and Manage Performance-Management Processes [BSBMGT517] Manage Operational Plan [BSBHRM513] Manage Workforce Planning [BSBWRK520] Manage Employee Relations [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area [BSBWHS401] Implement and Monitor WHS Policies, Procedures and Programs [BSBINN601] Lead and Manage Organisational Change Other
Select the Dbl HR & Mgt Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBPEF501] Manage Personal and Professional Development [BSBPEF502] Develop and use emotional intelligence [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBTWK502] Manage team effectiveness [BSBHRM523] Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBHRM527] Coordinate human resource functions and processes [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBHRM524] Coordinate workforce plan implementation [BSBHRM525] Manage recruitment and onboarding [BSBHRM521] Facilitate performance development processes [BSBHRM522] Manage employee and industrial relations [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBWHS411] Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area Other
Select the Dbl HR & Mgt + Pathway Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBHRM417] Support human resource functions and processes [BSBHRM411] Administer performance development processes [BSBHRM415] Coordinate recruitment and onboarding [BSBHRM412] Support employee and industrial relations [BSBPEF501] Manage Personal and Professional Development [BSBPEF502] Develop and use emotional intelligence [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBTWK502] Manage team effectiveness [BSBHRM523] Coordinate the learning and development of teams and individuals [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBHRM527] Coordinate human resource functions and processes [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBHRM524] Coordinate workforce plan implementation [BSBHRM525] Manage recruitment and onboarding [BSBHRM521] Facilitate performance development processes [BSBHRM522] Manage employee and industrial relations [BSBOPS504] Manage business risk [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBWHS411] Implement and monitor WHS policies, procedures and programs [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area Other
Select the Diploma of Leadership Management you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBCMM511] Communicate with influence [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others [BSBOPS502] Manage business operational plans [BSBLDR601] Lead and manage organisational change [BSBPEF502] Develop and use emotional intelligence [BSBLDR523] Lead and manage effective workplace relationships [BSBPEF501] Manage personal and professional development [BSBTWK502] Manage team effectiveness [BSBCMM412] Lead difficult conversations [BSBLDR522] Manage people performance [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBWHS521] Ensure a safe workplace for a work area Other
Select the Cert IV in Health Admin Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBLDR413] Lead effective workplace relationships [BSBHRM415] Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff [CHCDIV001] Work with diverse people [BSBOPS504] Manage risk [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability [BSBOPS503] Develop administrative systems [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBHRM417] Review human resources functions [BSBSTR402] Implement continuous improvement [BSBOPS404] Address customer needs [BSBMED301] Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately [CHCLEG001] Work legally and ethically [HLTWHS003] Maintain work health and safety Other
Select the Dual Cert IV in Health Admin and Diploma of Business (Records) Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBLDR413] Lead effective workplace relationships [BSBHRM415] Support the recruitment, selection and induction of staff [CHCDIV001] Work with diverse people [BSBOPS504] Manage risk [BSBSUS511] Develop workplace policy and procedures for sustainability [BSBINS512] Monitor business records systems [BSBXCM501] Lead communication in the workplace [BSBOPS501] Manage business resources [BSBINS501] Implement information and knowledge management systems [BSBSTR402] Implement continuous improvement [BSBFIN501] Manage budgets and financial plans [BSBMED301] Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately [CHCLEG001] Work legally and ethically [HLTWHS003] Maintain work health and safety [BSBINS513] Contribute to records management framework [BSBINS601] Manage knowledge and information [BSBOPS404] Implement customer service strategies [BSBCRT511] Develop critical thinking in others " Other
Select the Dbl Diploma of Bus Admin & Leadership Mgmt Unit you are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWOR501] Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development [BSBADM506] Manage Business Document Design and Development [BSBWOR502] Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness [BSBLDR502] Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships [BSBLDR511] Develop and use Emotional Intelligence [BSBCUS501] Manage Quality Customer Service [BSBADM502] Manage Meetings [BSBFIM502] Manage Payroll [BSBADM503] Plan and Manage Conferences [BSBADM504] Plan and Implement Administrative Systems [BSBMGT517] Manage Operational Plan [BSBFIM501] Manage Budgets and Financial Plans [BSBHRM405] Support the Recruitment, Selection and Induction of Staff [BSBWHS521] Ensure a Safe Workplace Other
Select the Double Diploma of Business and Leadership Management Unit are currently studying* Please select the unit you are submitting [BSBWOR501] Manage Personal Work Priorities and Professional Development [BSBWOR502] Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness [BSBLDR502] Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships [BSBLDR511] Develop and use Emotional Intelligence [BSBADM502] Manage Meetings [BSBFIM502] Manage Payroll [BSBMGT517] Manage Operational Plan [BSBHRM405] Support and Manage the Recruitment, Selection and Induction o [BSBINN601] Lead and Manage Organisational Change [BSBMGT502] Manage People Performance [BSBHRM513] Manage Workforce Planning [BSBPMG522] Undertake Project Work Other
Please Specify Which Unit*
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Please note: Do not provide your bank or card details in this form. If required, they will be requested further in the process.Extra comments
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Please note: Turnaround times for drafts are two business days for unit one and five business days for any other unit.
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