One of the biggest challenges managers face is how to maintain a happy and engaged workforce. One of the most fascinating and sometimes frustrating aspects of business is its ability to constantly evolve in line with shifts in the cultural, economic and political infrastructure.
So, how can we increase your employee commitment and loyalty?
We have more energy, are less stressed, more helpful to others, more creative and ultimately achieve more when we are happy. When it comes to the workplace, while keeping customers and clients happy has been a focus of business success, it has become apparent ensuring employee happiness should become a priority. After all, happy employees will mean improved productivity and increased profits.
Similarly, employees hold the same readiness to change, as their personal and professional circumstances adapt and change to accommodate what they would like or need from their professional life. It has become critical that managers and HR Departments place a strong emphasis on retaining top talent by incorporating small but effective changes to their workplace culture, making employees feel valued, motivated and therefore a loyal asset to the company.
Construct career growth opportunities
Employees are attracted to a company which presents an opportunity for them to have a positive effect on the company, whilst continuing to learn and develop alongside the growth of the company. From the onset of a person’s employment, employees look to create a connection to their position and the company by establishing ways to adapt and improve their position. An employee will not be satisfied unless they see there is room for growth and progression and that as an employer, you want to see them succeed beyond the specifications of their initial job role.
A great employer should work in collaboration with their employees to build a career plan which sets out goals and objectives which both the employer and the employee would like to achieve. Although you may hold regular performance reviews, you should also look to hold regular meetings with your employees to determine how they are finding their role, where they are performing well and where they may need improvements or extra training. Most importantly, employers must ensure employees’ roles coincides with their future career prospects to ensure employee commitment and loyalty to the company.
Respect your employees needs
Although we try to keep our personal issues out of the workplace, there are some occasions where our personal and professional lives may merge. It is important to create a flexible approach to managing your workforce, this may include flexible working patterns, annual leave and also their professional development.
There are many advantages of workplace flexibility, it can allow for both employers and employees to reach agreements on arrangements that are beneficial to both parties. Some companies may require a greater degree of flexibility but this flexibility ensures that work-life balance remains consistent for relationships between employees and employers. Taking the time to understand your employees’ needs will demonstrate you are making the effort to fully integrate them into the company and see them as a valued member of the team, crucial to increase your employee commitment and loyalty.
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Provide Feedback
People like to know when they are getting things right, or at the very least, know how they can improve to be the very best they can. Providing consistent feedback opens up communications between managers and employees. Employees get a better understanding of where they are succeeding and what requires more attention, and managers get an insight into the office dynamics and daily workflow. When providing feedback, we must remember it is only effective when delivered objectively and fairly.
Clear Communication
Lack of communication within the workplace can result in the dissolution of workplace productivity, working relationships and the overall level of happiness within the company. Without clear communication, employees will find it difficult to understand what is expected of them, how to react to changes and what policies and direction they should be following. Lacking clear communication can potentially decrease your employee commitment and loyalty.
Strong communication provides an opportunity for employees to open up about any grievances they may have. Often grievances can go unresolved and can even escalate to a potentially damaging problem. Great communication within the workplace is an excellent way to minimise misunderstandings from happening and will ensure your employees are happy at work.
Encourage Team Bonding
Employers and employees spend a significant amount of their lives at work, this means we are instinctively inclined to build relationships with those we work with. Although, due to the busy nature of the modern working life, these relationships are often neglected and as a result of this the workplace morale can sometimes suffer. If you provide opportunities for colleagues to build closer bonds with each other, this will help them to develop a strong and collaborative network which can support and guide them through some of the challenges they may face.
Strong bonds can encourage the development of a more positive work environment, this enhances productivity and the overall well-being within the company, to benefit both business and the employees.
Team bonding activities should take place outside of working hours in an informal setting. This could be anything from joining a sports club to quiz night or social drinks.
Create Clear Strategies for Employee Engagement
Increasing employee commitment and loyalty is an ongoing goal and takes lots of ground-work. Now common as a long-term goal for most managers, increasing engagement and communication are vital to encouraging a healthy and loyal workforce. Managers holding a nationally recognised leadership and management qualification have demonstrated skills and competencies to put the right strategy in place to grow and leverage employee productivity to help drive the business forward. By studying a Diploma of Leadership & Management (BSB50420) online, managers can guarantee they have the core knowledge to confidently lead their workforce and generate greater employee commitment and loyalty.