4 Ways to Give Constructive Feedback


Giving negative feedback to your employees can be a very daunting task for managers. However, as difficult as it is- being able to do so effectively can result in improved interpersonal relationships and a far more productive work environment.

In order to communicate your ideas constructively, it’s all important that you get your message across in a way that isn’t detrimental to an employee’s self confidence and work ethic.

Make feeling intimidated a thing of the past with our 4 helpful tips that will make giving feedback that much easier:

1. Be specific

Make sure that you don’t beat around the bush. Tell your employee the exact instance where they have made a mistake and explain what they can do differently. If you’re vague, your feedback can be misunderstood and your employee may continue making mistakes.

2. Be timely

Don’t wait too long to give an employee feedback. An immediate response to their action will allow them to associate it with your feedback. This increases the likelihood that they are wary of when they may make the same mistake again.

3. Be positive

For all the negative feedback you give, you should have just as much positive feedback. You should also approach the criticism in a positive way and focus on your employee’s strengths. Use this feedback as a learning opportunity for you and your employee.


4. Be understanding

Discuss with your employee about the source of the mistake and what he or she could have done instead. Work together to figure out whether your employee needs any extra assistance with their job, and offer them help where they may need it.

Being able to provide constructive feedback to your employees doesn’t only enable them to work more efficiently. It also gives you a better understanding of how you are managing your employees and what you can do to keep them motivated.

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