
9 Business Sectors Where Quality Auditing is Essential

Quality Auditors conducting an Audit

Quality auditing is the process of systematically examining a quality system or process in a business. Quality audits can be conducted by either a qualified internal or external quality auditor. Regular quality audits are an integral part of a company’s quality management system and can save time and money when performed internally. Many businesses invest in upskilling staff to be qualified to perform the process and outcomes of audits.

Quality auditing is essential to the integrity and success of businesses of all sizes. The following nine business sectors use quality auditing to ensure ongoing success.

1. Medical audit sector

In the medical field, providing a high standard of patient care is essential to business success. Quality auditing will highlight areas for improvement and help establish an action plan for ongoing improvement in the minimum standard of care.

A clinical audit will systematically analyse;

  • The quality of care
  • Procedures for diagnosis
  • Procedures for treatment
  • Required resources for a beneficial outcome for the patient.

2. Food safety audit sector

Any industry that involves food handling in Australia requires quality auditing to maintain minimum health and safety standards and meet government guidelines and regulations. Regular independent auditing is necessary to ensure the health and wellbeing of anyone consuming food. In the food industry, quality auditing will confirm areas of compliance and determine if any corrective actions occur promptly and thoroughly.

3. Training audit sector

Registered training organisations (RTOs) provide a measurable service that should ensure organisations run more effectively. Training is an investment in a company’s most important asset – its people. It is important that quality auditing supports continuous improvement throughout a business, highlights areas where training will be beneficial, and then measures the success of any training implemented.

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4. Disability audit sector

The provision of disability services will often be under strict budgeting and outcome guidelines and therefore requires regular quality auditing. Quality auditing is essential to the quality of care and services provided for disabled Australians. Therefore, it is also important that the audit process identifies further opportunities for disabled people, whether that be to facilitate employment or sporting opportunities like the Paralympics.

5. Aged care audit sector

Failing to meet a minimum standard of care is unacceptable in aged care as it affects our elderly and their quality of life. Quality care processes and procedures are essential to facilitate the highest level of care possible for patients and residents. Regular independent auditing identifies any non-compliance against Australian Standards and improves the quality of care and services provided.

6. Financial audit sector

The findings of the recent Royal Commission into banking indicate quality auditing is essential to servicing customers in a fair and just manner. In the finance sector, quality auditing will often go beyond what Australian standards require. Quality auditing can be both internal and external, with both approaches considered essential to compliance and business success.

7. Manufacturing audit sector

An effective manufacturing quality auditing program will require both product and process auditing. Quality KPIs may include standardisation of processes to ensure compliance in areas such as:

  • Product components
  • Timing
  • Accuracy
  • Temperatures

8. Wholesaling audit sector

Quality auditing can benefit wholesalers by providing risk management, continuous improvement and subsequent improved service levels. Wholesalers of food products especially benefit from quality auditing and compliance.

9. Retailing audit sector

Processes and procedures in retailing are essential to business success. Multi-store retailers require standardised processes to deliver the company’s standard of service. In a difficult retail climate, businesses that can use their internal systems effectively will reach a higher level of service for the end consumer. Quality auditing will show the weaknesses of service and touch points for service improvement in a timely and constructive manner.

Why businesses should upskill staff in quality auditing

1. Internal auditing

Internal audits can be cost-saving and timely for acting efficiently in areas where non-compliance exists. Conducting internal audits before external audits is an effective way to minimise the cost and effects of non-compliance issues.

2. Versatility

A quality auditing qualification is a versatile qualification with transferable skills across industries and departments. Employees can also study the course online in a versatile way to meet both employment and study commitments.

3. Competencies and skills

A Diploma of Quality Auditing (BSB50920) qualification will increase the key competencies and skills of employees, helping the organisation to thrive and the employee to experience high levels of job satisfaction and engagement.

Quality auditing is essential to the success of most business industries and sectors. Staff and companies of all sizes benefit from qualified employees conducting internal quality audits and facilitating external audits.

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